
Thursday 29 November 2012

Darryn's Pig's Eye Workshop.

Yuck, Yuck, Yuck!  A pigs eye!  Today I went to Darryn's eye dissection workshop.  We studied a pig's eye!  We studied the parts of the pig's eye.  My favourite part of the pig's eye was the blind-spot - which your brain fills in for you!  Your eye actually has some goo inside the coloured bit of your eye, (that is the iris).  The goo is liquid inside your eye that helps you see.  Outside your eye there is a lot of fat that connects your eye to your head.  We looked at the pig's eye close up and everything was really big because we used a dinoscope, which is not a scope that a dinosaur uses - it is a tool that you use to see things close up.  The dinoscope was attached to the computer, so we got to see everything that Darryn was doing on the computer screen.  We cut up the eye with a razor-blade so we could see all the parts inside the pig's eye.  I did not like the part in the middle because it was a bit like jelly and it frightened me!  Darryn also got a piece of paper with a yellow  square and a green square.  On the yellow square, there was a cross (x) and on the green square, there was a dot (.)  Darryn put the piece of paper in front of us.  We had to look at the cross and then he moved it closer to us until we couldn't see the cross anymore.  This was showing us that we have a blindspot and where it is.  Most people were too scared to go and see the eyeballs, so only about 10 or 9 of us did it.

Thursday 22 November 2012

My busy day today...

Today, this morning eye parts was a before school pick. You had to drag the eyeball parts to the different boxes and then when it was finished, the eyeball repaired itself.  At environment time we worked on our mural.  Katie got us a big big of plywood and she painted it white for us.  Then, Daniel and I painted it blue and then Emma and Rhea did another coat of blue and then they put a bit of white in it as well.  It was a really nice shade of blue.  When we washed out the paint brushes, we saw a beautiful blue river flowing down the drain. We did Thinkers Keys after morning tea.  I went to Katie and Darryn's one.  Katie's was the RIDICULOUS key - Katie would say something ridiculous and we had to say the benefits of it.  One of them was 6 YEAR OLDS ARE ALLOWED TO DRIVE CARS.  Darryn's one was the BRAINSTORMING key.  Some of the brainstorm ideas were how to cool down:  I thought of putting ice in your coffee and maybe going to Antarctica, a water playground, have a freezing shower, stand outside in the wind and have a bath filled with ice.  Now I am going to dissect a real pig's eye with Darryn!  I wonder what it will look like?

Thursday 15 November 2012


Today, we had a really small class!  I am part of a mural group with Emma, Daniel and Rhea, but they weren't here today.  So, I started making a plan of my own.  Katie and I printed off lots of pictures of things we wanted in the mural:  kiwis, koru plants, silver ferns, museum roof, tuatara and the water tower.  We then got 2 big bits of card and we started sketching out what it will look like.  When the other kids get back, I will show them the plan I did.  Katie is going to get us some canvas boards and we are going to paint our mural on them and then display it in our classroom.  We aren't going to paint our mural on the outside wall anymore, because all the artwork we've got on the walls now, will be taken down, so our walls will be very bare, so our mural will stay on the wall and look very good and help decorate our classroom!

Thursday 1 November 2012

Today at Enrich

This is a little video clip of my day at Enrich.(I hope you like it!)