My name is Samantha. I am a year 5 and this year I am going to Enrich every Monday. Enrich is a place where you learn. I enjoy playing learning games on the computer and the games that Katie sends us in the mornings. My favourite game on the computer is Factory Balls and Me and the Key2. I enjoy doing maths because I am on stage 6-7 at school. I like Enrich because I get to do a lot of fun things there.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012
My busy day today...

Today, this morning eye parts was a before school pick. You had to drag the eyeball parts to the different boxes and then when it was finished, the eyeball repaired itself. At environment time we worked on our mural. Katie got us a big big of plywood and she painted it white for us. Then, Daniel and I painted it blue and then Emma and Rhea did another coat of blue and then they put a bit of white in it as well. It was a really nice shade of blue. When we washed out the paint brushes, we saw a beautiful blue river flowing down the drain. We did Thinkers Keys after morning tea. I went to Katie and Darryn's one. Katie's was the RIDICULOUS key - Katie would say something ridiculous and we had to say the benefits of it. One of them was 6 YEAR OLDS ARE ALLOWED TO DRIVE CARS. Darryn's one was the BRAINSTORMING key. Some of the brainstorm ideas were how to cool down: I thought of putting ice in your coffee and maybe going to Antarctica, a water playground, have a freezing shower, stand outside in the wind and have a bath filled with ice. Now I am going to dissect a real pig's eye with Darryn! I wonder what it will look like?
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Today, we had a really small class! I am part of a mural group with Emma, Daniel and Rhea, but they weren't here today. So, I started making a plan of my own. Katie and I printed off lots of pictures of things we wanted in the mural: kiwis, koru plants, silver ferns, museum roof, tuatara and the water tower. We then got 2 big bits of card and we started sketching out what it will look like. When the other kids get back, I will show them the plan I did. Katie is going to get us some canvas boards and we are going to paint our mural on them and then display it in our classroom. We aren't going to paint our mural on the outside wall anymore, because all the artwork we've got on the walls now, will be taken down, so our walls will be very bare, so our mural will stay on the wall and look very good and help decorate our classroom!
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Teacher Comment
Hi Samantha.
Wow, it was a busy day today! Great to see you challenging different people each week at chess - it’s great to play a variety of people so you can pick out strategies of their game that might work for you! You did a super job constructing your parachute - you worked on your own, and were still finished before the pairs! The parachutes all worked well. I wonder how you will design your parachute next week? Well done on your debating today. I know you wanted to be on the opposing team, but you got on with the task of presenting an affirmative point for your group. I was really impressed with you effort in contributing to your groups Keynote presentation for the ILT to ask for permission to paint a mural. We will continue with this next week. Well done on a great day Samantha! Katie.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Elephants toothpaste
Today at Enrich we had to choose from three high interest stations. There was chemistry, Biology and cartooning. I chose Chemistry with Jenni because I hadn't done the science before and it looked exciting and cool. We made elephants toothpaste (which isn't really toothpaste for elephants!)
It is made of hydrogen peroxide, water,dishwash yeast and foodcolouring.
Here is a video showing what happens.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Week three
The first thing we did was chess. I played against Jacob and he won. After that I went to a high interest station and it was maths and we were making tessellations I got mine completed and it was of fish now I just need to finish getting all the colour in it so it can go up on the wall. My pattern would also have worked for parrots.I liked making the tessellation.
We also decided on our environment projects today and we are going to paint murals and make the alley at enrich into a really cool outside space we can use.
We also decided on our environment projects today and we are going to paint murals and make the alley at enrich into a really cool outside space we can use.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Week 2 at Enrich
Today we did a technology challenge. The challenge was to make something that would launch a shuttlecock. I worked with Thomas and Eddie. It felt a bit like I wasn't included. Maybe I need to explain my ideas more so that I am listened to? We are going to judge these launchers in a moment. I don't think our group will win because we needed something stronger to make our launcher work. Our launcher is a slingshot.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
First day back for Term 3
Today we played a Wilson game. After the Wilson game we went to a high interest station. I was with Darryn doing Maths - tessellations. A tessellation is a maths pattern that has no spaces and the pattern keeps on going. After the maths tessellation we had morning tea. After morning tea, we talked about the environment. Environment is our new concept this term. There is a secret land in Mumbai where people throw away their rubbish and people live there. It isn't very nice there.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
TTToday I did my reflection on a sheet. In this blogyou will see a picture of my reflection at the end of this!
The reflection tells you about what I am proud of and what I have been learning about this term.
Today we have also finished off our Tapa cloth and the other group finished their Kowhaiwhai panels.
I also played a hoop game and you have got to try and get to the other side of the room with your feet stuck together like glue. We also had to hold hands and you aren't allowed to slip over or you will have to go back to the start.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
At chess time, I played a game of chess with Jacob. I lost the game and I was white and Jacob was black. He said he wanted a rematch but I didn't want a rematch because I wanted to play with someone else. The top six on the chess leaderboard gets to go to the chess tournament.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Today at Enrich.
Today at Enrich we played a game to start - you were in a hoop with a buddy and you had to tap the balloon one at a time to the end of the walkway. In Drama we were adding sound effects to our plays. We did some habits of mind today - one of them was managing impulsivity - that means you need to stop and think. This afternoon, I added some new things to my blog.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Today at Enrich@ILT for talent development I went to Darryn and we recorded our play using Garageband so that we could hear ourselves. I thought it was very cool, because I had never seen anything like it! After Darryn, I went to Katie May for P4C. In P4C we talked about where we should fight and where we should not fight. I think it is OK to fight in World Wars or in self defense. This is a picture.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Kiaora Samantha,
Boy did I get a run for my money by playing you in Pentago! I was so so impressed with your strategy and thought wasn’t until the 5th game that I finally beat you! I definately need to get some practise in. Did you enjoy your first round of talent development? It is going to be a busy time ahead with it, but filled with lots of new learning and great experiences!
See you next week
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Today at Enrich, I played a game called Blokus. You have to try and get all your coloured pieces onto the board before the other players do. You can play with four players because there are four colours. The colours are: red, yellow, blue and green. My favourite colours out of them are yellow and red. You start in the corners and place a piece. You can only move diagonally, never straight. You have to try and block the other players path.
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